Friday, January 10, 2014

Porkin' Palazzo

Mississippi's own Steven Palazzo loves his pork deep fried... In a disgusting and shameful way.

From the article:

Republican Steven Palazzo used anti-pork barrel spending rhetoric and tea party backing to beat Democratic conservative Gene Taylor in Mississippi.  He added $10 million to buy land to expand a National Guard facility in his district and another $19.9 million to “ship preliminary design and feasibility studies” at Ingalls Shipbuilding in Pascagoula — also part of his district.

To be honest, the TEA party doesn't really like Mr. P all that much

 "Steven has disappointed us in many, many ways," said Roy Nicholson, chairman of the Mississippi TEA Party. "Although we do appreciate his vote against the compromise."

But Palazzo isn't conservative enough for the TEA Party, which backed his primary opponent, Joe Tegerdine, in 2010. Nicholson pointed to the FreedomWorks website that rates Democrat Rep. Bennie Thompson just as conservative as Palazzo.

Watch out Steve. You may want to get with MC Chris McDaniel. The TEA party express is leaving the station.

Mississippi fails... Repeatedly.

"F" is for FAILURE.

Yep, no need to adopt Common Core standards... No need for standards!
Tennessee knows we're #shamefulanddisgusting.

South Jersey features our failures. SOUTH JERSEY!

Not just in education either...

Tower of Pork

Roger Wicker's Tower of Pork

Planned obsolescence

Once again, Mississippi embarrasses itself in national headlines. $350,000,000 could pay for a lot of education and healthcare. Meanwhile, Roger Wicker grins and awaits your vote. After all, he's entitled to it.